Never Forget The Unfathomable

Never forget that you are a constantly evolving species on a planet that is only as understandable as your life has allowed you to fathom. Never lose your sense of wonder in the universe and to always enjoy the journey.

Love comes from within; a deep appreciation of your senses and a curiosity towards life. We tend to lose this as we age. We tend to assume that life is some concrete fluid type of rhythm instead of seeing it for the imaginative world of what is. Since birth, our automatic response systems are reaching towards understanding with a deep curiosity for what is and what can be.

Never forget that the man/woman that you will be at the end of your days, is not a fathomable place of your current understanding. Coincidences and changes are inevitable. A strive for understanding will be unavoidable. A life that is valued is a life worth fighting for. Your will to live is instinctual. First you learn to survive, then you learn to thrive.


The Truth About Honest Acceptance


Be A Positive Force