Live with Purpose


Live with Purpose 〰️

Company Mission: To create mindset based style for individuals to become more guided, happy, purpose driven, and empowered to become the best for themselves and the people around them — while following the divine principles of nature and rational self awareness.

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Maui Fires

From the historical vestiges of Lahaina's past to the bleak realities of the present, the journey unveils a tale of lost innocence, hidden horrors, and a desperate plea for justice. Amidst the serene allure of Maui, lies a dark secret waiting to be exposed.

Your unique space where curiosity meets revelation. In this little corner of the internet, we're not just another website; we're a movement, a community of truth-seekers and free thinkers. At The Good Life, we dive deep into the mysteries of health, the unknowns of science, and the untold stories that shape our world.

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  • We a haven for creativity and wellness through our handpicked selection of recipe books, promoting a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. Each product, each piece of content is crafted with the intention to enlighten, inspire, and provoke thought.

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Rome & The Execution Of Christ

Symbolism History

Many religions are built upon colonizationist ideology that has been translated, rewritten, and edited by empires and governments to indoctrinate and monitor the people - as well as establish identities to distinguish enemies and borders. When we can look past the interpretations we were forced to accept, we can begin to question. I do believe Jesus was trying to tell us something. Question everything. We all have the ability to align spiritually.

The Lead-Up to the Execution

We can now see within the historical montage of “Roman Church History” that it was the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel who protested against Rome. The Israelite Gauls protested first by sacking Rome three times. Then in adoration to the Jewish messiah, the Lost Tribes of Israel knew in their hearts that the God of Israel sent His Messiah, Jesus (Yahshua) to bring them to God.


Gauls (Goths) Warrior Depictions

“I was sent by my Father in heaven, to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.”

— Yahshua (Matthew 10:6; 15:24)

Blog Posts


The Origin of Religion: Israel, Edom, & Rome

Let’s stir up the status quo.
— Jake G
  • “A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.“

    —Albert Einstein

  • Jesus was crucified as a Jewish victim of Roman violence. On this, all written authorities agree. A Gentile Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, condemned him to death and had him tortured and executed by Gentile Roman soldiers. Jesus was indeed one of thousands of Jews crucified by the Romans.

    The New Testament testifies to this basic fact but also allows for Jewish involvement in two ways. First, a few high-ranking Jewish authorities who owed their position and power to the Romans conspired with the Gentile leaders to have Jesus put to death; they are said to have been jealous of Jesus and to have viewed him as a threat to the status quo. Second, an unruly mob of people in Jerusalem called out for Jesus to be crucified—the number of persons in this crowd is not given, nor is any motive supplied for their action (except to say that they had been “stirred up,” Mark 15:11).

Israel’s Final Triumph

Obadiah 15-21 “For the Day of Adonai is near for all nations; as you did, it will be done to you; your dealings will come back on your own head…But on Mount Tziyon there will be a holy remnant who will escape, and the house of Ya’kov (Jews of Judah) will be a fire and the house of Yosef (Lost Tribes of the House of Israel) a flame, setting aflame and consuming the stubble which is the house of ‘Esav (Roman Edomites and Palestinian Amalekites). None of the house of ‘Esav will remain, for Adonai has spoken.

Those in the Negev will repossess the mountain of ‘Esav, and those in the Sh’fealah the land of the P’lishtim; they will repossess the field of Efrayim and the field of Shomron, and Binyamin will occupy Gil’ad.  Those from this army of the people of Isra’el exiled among the Kena’anim as far away as Tzarfat, and the exiles from Yerushalayim in S’farad, will repossess the cities in the Negev. Then the victorious will ascend Mount Tziyon to rule over Mount ‘Esav, but the kingship will belong to Adonai.”

  • A·do·nai



    a Hebrew name for God. (plural)

    singular - Adon

    The plural and capitalized Adonai is used because, according to beliefs, God is the Lord of all humanity and thus is the “Lord of all Lords.”

  • 1. a hill in Jerusalem, on which the Temple was built: used to symbolize the city itself, esp. as a religious or spiritual center.

  • Ya’kov roughly translated: Jacob

    Because Jacob was faithful, the Lord gave him the special name of Israel, which means “one who prevails with God” or “let God prevail” (Bible Dictionary, “Israel,” 708).

    Jacob had twelve sons.

  • Roughly Translated: Esau

    Esau ruled over Edom, the land south of the Dead Sea known for its red sandstone. The Edomites were mainly pagan societies worshipping fertility gods and would dominate the southern lands making a living by agriculture and trade.

  • The Negev is a hot, dry region in the southern part of Israel that receives less than eight inches of rainfall each year. The Negev Desert factors into the events of Abraham’s life and through the period of Israel’s wilderness wanderings. The area is also significant throughout the time of the united monarchy until the period of the divided kingdom. Three of the Bible’s prophets mention the Negev as well.

    The name Negev means “dry land” in Hebrew, but the Bible sometimes uses the term to refer to the “south country,” or “south.” An alternate spelling for Negev in the Bible is Negeb. The King James Version regularly translates Negev as “the south,” whereas the New International Version (Negev) and English Standard Version (Negeb) normally use the name for the territory.

  • “For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near;

    As you have done, it shall be done to you;

    Your [a]reprisal shall return upon your own head.

    16 For as you drank on My holy mountain,

    So shall all the nations drink continually;

    Yes, they shall drink, and swallow,

    And they shall be as though they had never been.

    Israel’s Final Triumph

    17 “But on Mount Zion there shall be [b]deliverance,

    And there shall be holiness;

    The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.

    18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire,

    And the house of Joseph a flame;

    But the house of Esau shall be stubble;

    They shall kindle them and devour them,

    And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau,”

    For the Lord has spoken.

    19 The [c]South shall possess the mountains of Esau,

    And the Lowland shall possess Philistia.

    They shall possess the fields of Ephraim

    And the fields of Samaria.

    Benjamin shall possess Gilead.

    20 And the captives of this host of the children of Israel

    Shall possess the land of the Canaanites

    As far as Zarephath.

    The captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad

    Shall possess the cities of the [d]South.

    21 Then saviors[e] shall come to Mount Zion

    To judge the mountains of Esau,

    And the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.

  • Jacob (Yaakov) and Esau (Esav) were twins. Esau was the firstborn and older child. In the womb, God told their mother, Rebekah, that they would become two nations. Esau ruled over Edom, the land south of the Dead Sea known for its red sandstone. Because Jacob was faithful, the Lord gave him the special name of Israel, which means “one who prevails with God”.

    The Edomites were mainly pagan societies worshipping fertility gods and would dominate the southern lands making a living by agriculture and trade. While the Israelites were traveling from Egypt to Israel, they were rejected by the Edomites to pass through the King’s Highway (in Edom) by force. Because they were close relatives, the Israelites (Jacob) was forbidden by God to hate them. (Deuteronomy 23:7)

    King Saul (of Israel) fought against them and King David (of Israel) finally subjugated them establishing military garrisons in Edom. With Israel controlling Edomite territory, they had access to the port of Ezion-Geber. Later during the Maccabean wars, the Edomites were forced into Judaism, while maintaining a hatred for the Jewish people. When Greek became the official language, the Edomites were called Idumeans. With the rise of the Roman Empire, an Idumaean whose father had converted to Judaism was named king of Judea. That Idumaean is known in history as King Herod the Great, the tyrant who ordered a massacre in Bethlehem in an attempt to kill the Christ child (Matthew 2:16-18).

  • Esav became one who knows hunting, a man of the field; but Yaakov was a wholesome man abiding in tents,

    Until age thirteen no one saw the difference outwardly, but apparently it was there underneath. In their youth, the practical difference was slight, but it became greatly magnified as they grew older.

Even something as simple as a desire and preparedness for something can have a great impact. Inner battle leads to boredom, which leads to sin. One who wastes time is tantamount to murder, in a sense, since life is made up of a second and another second and another second. To "kill time" is to kill life.

This is what the Targum writes about Yaakov, "tava ulfana," he sought learning. "Open for me an opening like the eye of a needle and I will open for you an opening like the entrance to a hall!"

  • When Jesus came, He was a revolutionary who thought differently from the rest. He did not obey the system. He defied the greed and manipulation in Rome and the Mosaic laws. He exposed that the church was a den of thieves, that the political and ecclesiastical leaders (priests, scribes and Pharisees at that time) were a litter of viper hypocrites, foolish and blind guides. He taught that the power of faith was within, that the kingdom of God is within, and that everything He did we could do too.

    The same enslaving elite that crucified him turned him into an idol and head of a church three hundred years later for the same interests of domination and manipulation.

    They distorted his message at the convenience of the political and religious power - even to this day, as He knew that would happen. That's why he taught:

    John 8:29-35

    29And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him. 30As he spake these words, many believed on him. 31Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 33They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? 34Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. 35And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

One who defiles himself with sin in this world, is defiled from above, as well. The root of that sin above envelops him in forces of evil, which push him to do more and more evil.
— Jake G